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€40m sports grant scheme for 2021 printable version
30 Nov 2020 filed by editor - General, Sport Clubs are being encouraged to register now for the Sports Capital & Equipment Programme for 2021 under a €40 million grant scheme being made available in 2021 under a new round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP).
The SCEP is the Government's primary vehicle for providing support to sports clubs and communities to develop sports infrastructure around the country. Applications can be made online only from 9am on Friday 11 December until 5pm on Friday 12 February, 2021.
Minister Martin said: "The Covid pandemic has emphasised how important sport is to our society. As well as the pleasure and excitement generated by watching our sporting heroes, actively engaging in sport is critical for our physical and mental wellbeing. To allow as many people participate as possible, it is essential to have appropriate sports facilities and equipment available. To assist in this regard, I am delighted that we are making €40 million available for sports clubs and community groups right across the country.
"Recent findings have noted that the gender gap in active participation in sport is now at its lowest level, according to data published by Sport Ireland. The Government is committed to prioritising increasing female involvement in sport as participants, coaches, referees and administrators. The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme will help that important aim. Furthermore, it will boost participation in disadvantaged areas and ensure that those in every part of society can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of sport and exercise."
The Minister of State with responsibility for Sport, Jack Chambers, urged all sports organisations with suitable projects to get ready to make an application. "If we are to achieve our ambitious targets in relation to sports participation we need to continue to invest in facilities and particularly target areas with lower levels of participation," the Minister said.
"The new programme will again prioritise applications from disadvantaged areas, applications which will increase participation including female participation and disabled users and those which share facilities with other users and the wider community.
"It has been a tough year for many sports clubs as a result of the COVID-19 crisis but the new round of the programme now provides an opportunity for clubs to make real improvements to their facilities. We also want to make the applications process as user-friendly as possible so all of the improvements from an applicant's perspective which were trialed in recent rounds are being retained for this round."
The first step in obtaining a grant is to register on the Department's online system. The Ministers encouraged any clubs which are not already registered to do so now. Clubs can now register on the Department's online system at https://www.sportscapitalprogramme.ie. Once registered, all applications must be made on the same website. The system will be open for applications from 11 December to 12 February, 2021.
The "Guide to Making an Application" was also published on the Department's website today and can be found here: https://www.gov.ie/sportscapital
The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme is the Government's primary vehicle for supporting the development of sports facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment.
The programme funds:
- Natural grass sports pitches, tracks and courts (including pitch drainage)
- Energy Efficient Floodlighting
- Artificial sports pitches, tracks, courts and multi-use games areas
- Security fencing, ball stop netting and goal posts
- Hurling walls / handball alleys
- Building or refurbishment of dressing rooms, showers and toilets
- Building or refurbishment of sports halls and gyms
- Non-personal sports equipment
- Limited Covid related works/equipment
- Modifications to sports facilities to reduce energy consumption
- Any other capital projects that are clearly sporting in nature and that will increase participation in sport or improve performance
Further information about the programme including details of all previous allocations and a detailed review of the latest (2018) round of the programme can be found at https://www.gov.ie/sportscapital
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