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Galway passes anti-fluoridation motion printable version
27 Jan 2015 filed by editor - General, Health Galway Councillors have passed a motion of opposition to compulsory water fluoridation in Ireland.
The motion, tabled by Cllr Jim Cuddy (NP) and seconded by Cllr Sean Canney (NP) was passed on Monday, 22 January and states: “... this Council records its opposition to the current policy of water fluoridation in Ireland, based on documented research that shows a decrease dental caries in all western countries irrespective of whether the water is fluoridated or not, as well as research which shows the effect of fluoride to be topical not systemic (ie works at the location not through the body); calls on the Government to organise a national referendum on water fluoridation in the next 18 months, (possibly in tandem with another referendum), which will educate the public thoroughly on both sides of the debate and allow their voice to be heard on this important public health issue; and that a letter recording this resolution shall be forwarded directly to the Taoiseach and the Minister for the Environment and CC'd to all cabinet Ministers, requesting the matter to be discussed at cabinet level.”
The motion received unanimous support amongst Councillors of all political affiliation across the chamber floor including Mr Jim Cullen, The Director of Services for Water and the Environment who was present at the meeting.
Cllr Jim Cuddy when contacted for comment said, "He welcomed the motion receiving unanimous support and that he was glad to see Galway calling for an end to the practice of compulsory water fluoridation in conjunction with and supporting seven other major Council’s who’ve taken similar positions over the past year including Wexford and Leitrim who followed suit just two weeks ago and that he hoped the Department of Health would heed Galway’s resolution today.”
Councils for some two million people have now publicly called on the Government to scrap the current policy of mandatory public water fluoridation in Ireland over the past year who’ve publicly taken positions of opposition to involuntary medication through an outdated and dangerous statewide public health policy which continues to inflict irreversible cosmetic and structural malformation damage to the teeth (fluorosis) of close to 40% of the population, threatens the country’s very valuable food and beverage sector of the economy in addition to blatantly contravening legal conditions that were imposed when the policy was given the go ahead in 1964 which otherwise renders the policy as unconstitutional and illegal.
Not one other European Country maintain a similar mandatory public water fluoridation policy in 2015 due to health, environmental, legal or ethical concerns as a result of ongoing scientific and medical objection.
Web: www.fluoridefreetowns.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fluoridefreetowns
Supporters of the National Effort include Cork County, Cork City, Kerry, Laois, Dublin City, Wexford, Leitrim and Galway County Councils representing some two million Irish Citizens who've all passed motions in 2014 and 2015 calling on the Government to immediately scrap The Health (fluoridation of water supplies) Act 1960 and bring Ireland's position to this matter in line with EU precedent for which not one other European Government maintain a similar policy due to health, environmental, legal or ethical concerns as a result of ongoing scientific and medical objection.Tags: water flouridation
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