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Ireland ranked 6th in UN Human Development Index printable version
16 Dec 2015 filed by editor - General Ireland is listed as equal sixth in the United Nations Human Development index, which measures countries on three basic areas—life expectancy, education and income/standard of living.
Ireland ranks equal sixth with Germany, while Norway tops the list.
Human Development Life expectancy Expected years Mean years Gross national income GNI per capita Index (HDI)
at birth of schooling of schooling (GNI) per capita minus HDI rank
rank Value (years) (years) (years) (2011 PPP $)2014 2014 2014a 2014a 2014 2014
1 Norway 0.944 81.6 17.5 12.6 b 64,992 5
2 Australia 0.935 82.4 20.2 c 13.0 42,261 17
3 Switzerland 0.930 83.0 15.8 12.8 56,431 6
4 Denmark 0.923 80.2 18.7 c 12.7 44,025 11
5 Netherlands 0.922 81.6 17.9 11.9 45,435 9
6 Germany 0.916 80.9 16.5 13.1 d 43,919 11
6 Ireland 0.916 80.9 18.6 c 12.2 e 39,568 16
8 United States 0.915 79.1 16.5 12.9 52,947 3
9 Canada 0.913 82.0 15.9 13.0 42,155 11
9 New Zealand 0.913 81.8 19.2 c 12.5 b 32,689 23
11 Singapore 0.912 83.0 15.4 f 10.6 e 76,628 g –7
12 Hong Kong,(SAR) 0.910 84.0 15.6 11.2 53,959 –2
The report can be downloaded from the link: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hdr_2015_statistical_annex.pdf
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