______________________________Archived Articles______________________________
The seed of the reality seed
17 May 2014; posted by editor - Editorial
Seeds cannot flourish on barren ground. And as a species, we have now turned our home panet into a barren ground.
Tags: reality
Website poll says Richard Harris statue should be in People's Park
14 May 2014; posted by editor - General
A long running website poll reveals that a majority of voters consider that the statue of late actor and Limerick man Richard Harris should be in the People's Park.
New Minister For Children Against Separate Ethnic Status For Travellers
08 May 2014; posted by editor - General
The new Children’s Minister Charlie Flanagan says he is against granting separate ethnic status for travelers.
Tags: Travelers Charlie Flanagan
Limerick, city of culchie culture?
02 May 2014; posted by editor - Editorial
2014. Limerick currenlty enjoys the status or being Ireland's first City of Culture. It is perhaps a good time for those with their heads in their own clouds and up their own backsides to take a good look at just what is really going on.
Government Rejects UN Rapporteur's Recommendations on Corrib
01 May 2014; posted by editor - General, Environment
By Mayo Shell to Sea
In a submission to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Shell to Sea have criticised the Irish Government for rejecting recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights regarding the policing of Corrib protest .
More pledge to fight water meter installation
29 Apr 2014; posted by editor - General
Residents of Clondalkin are among the latest who have pledged to fight against the installation of water meters.
Tags: water meters Clondalkin
Illegal bullying bar door staff/bouncer mentality in Limerick
10 Feb 2014; posted by editor - General
A story came by me about someone who was visiting a new bar in Limerick city recently. It was the person's fourth visit to the bar and the customer had enjoyed all visits, chatting with staff and other patrons alike.