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So just what IS happening? printable version
08 Apr 2014 filed by editor - International Austerity.
Why would anyone charged with running a nation consider enforcing austerity onto their electorate? Why would such people elevate the importance and worth of an intangible tool such as money above the welfare and worth of individuals?Such questions deserve serious contemplation. But to reach any perspective of insight into enforced austerity I believe it necessary to think completely out of the box.
In many countries of the world including those that publicly profess to honour individuals’ freedoms, adherence to the principles safeguarding the rights, liberties and freedoms of individuals as enshrined in the Magna Carta and in habeas corpus and other universal agreements have been nullified by the introduction of internment without trial and other measures brought in under the flimsy pretence of ‘national security’ and the ‘public good’.
In most cases such erosion of civil and other liberties benefits only those applying the restrictions.
It should also be noted that the enforcement of such restrictions is then carried out by persons being paid a wage to enforce them, be they members of police or armed forces or other organisations.
Enforced austerity—a legitimised crime against humanity?
Not if you think in the box."Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that The State has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied," wrote playwright Arthur Miller.
In Europe, decisions that affect whole populations have been taken in secrecy by the Council of Europe and thousands of related documentation remains restricted from public view.
Elsewhere, elected governments have deployed measures to stifle public dissent, even to the extent of concealing facts from the public.
Assangegate revealed to the public thousands of incidents that had been deliberately concealed from public scrutiny and which included government-ordered assassination and regime overthrow.
Corporate greed induced the current collapse of the global financial system. Yet the losses incurred as a result are now being forced upon those who had nothing to do with their onset other than trying to live their lives within the legal framework of their location.
The motive behind enforced austerity must be examined in a hard, cold light divorced from the indoctrination fed to those forced to live with it.
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