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In a mixed up world       printable version
24 Mar 2014 filed by editor - Editorial

A story made headlines this week that referenced a US cinema screening a trailer for Nymphomaniac ahead of the Disney film, Frozen. "Red-faced moms and dads raced for the exits, and the Regal Cinemas theater fired its projectionist..." reported The New York Daily News.

In an item published by another newspaper, a woman was quoted saying how she had to "cover the eyes of her children and I didn't have enough hands".

The NYDN story centered on a cinema's offer of free tickets to youngsters provided they were accompanied by a fare paying adult—an offer the newspaper referred to as "perverted".

The report also carried a few other snide and Victorianish remarks including a reference to a well known movie critic who gave Nymphomaniac zero stars and quoted him as saying the film was about 'lots of people having sex, lots of sex, and very little plot'.

Sad that this person could not see with a more perceptive critical eye past the hype he'd obviously already absorbed—it is difficult to see how he identifies a 'plot' with a human story. Perhaps blazing guns, people getting blown to bits and bombs dropping everywhere with all other kinds of violence thrown in would have been more of a 'plot' to him.

Which brings me to wonder if the quoted mother would have shielded her child's eyes from televised footage of the carnage in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria—or if she would have shielded his eyes when walking past guns in a shop window, or a ladies lingerie store. I wonder too if she buys him guns or other war 'toys' at Christmas or on his birthday?

Something of a mixed up world ... but you know, – it really isn't so big any more.

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