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Limerick as City of Culture and the darker scenes behind the veil       printable version
01 Mar 2014 filed by editor - Editorial

Limerick is currently enjoying the status of being Ireland's first City of Culture. Yet there are aspects of social life in the city that could do with a sharp pull up of socks.

A recent video of a young man being humiliated by a so-called bouncer at a city centre venue calls for a serious review of the law and how it is being applied to premises that employ staff who behave in such an errant manner.

This is not a situation unique to Limerick City, although the city has its share of bullying and abusive bouncers.

The responsibility of employing errantly acting door staff rests alike with the owner of the premises engaging them and the company supplying the staff. There are legal requirements before someone can be employed as a door man, or bouncer, in Ireland. Those requirements are being belittled and often ignored by some of those employed at such work.

In such cases where errant behavior is found and proven, the premises employing the staff and those supplying them should equally be liable to stiff and punitive fines backed up by the possibility of a loss of license in cases of repeated similar activity.

It is time to rein in a small segment of social misbehavior that for too long has escaped the reality of law in Ireland.

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