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Spotlight on the USA printable version
05 Feb 2014 filed by editor - International The United States of America has become a huge military machine. The development of that machine has been long and intensive. The machinations behind it are now woven so deeply into US culture, its educational system, its internal and its external politics that it has become a way of life.
Military expenditure in the US dwarfs all other US budgets and likewise dwarfs the military expenditure of any other nation. In fact it is higher than many other nations' combined military budgets.
It is a nation that has legalised murder, has abandoned the Magna Carta and continues to detain people, some for over a decade without charge or trial.
It has sent drone missiles into countries on the pretext of killing 'insurgents', pronouncing them guilty and sentencing them to death by politoco-military decisions with no access to any trial or publicly presented evidence.
It is a country now ruled by an administration known to maintain and sanction a targeted list of undesirables, with the authority coming down from the President himself.
And it has been exposed as a country that has operated the largest unauthorised collection of data worldwide, backed by an administration that it seems is prepared to do anything to preserve its secrets.
It produces scores of movies depicting American wars as somehow glorious, brainwashing its citizens with false visions of patriotism.
American military intelligence and thus the administration had advance knowledge of the impending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. It was withheld from the public and as a result hundreds of thousands of Americans enlisted in the armed services following the Japanese attack.
It may never be known if the same process, or something yet more sinister, was associated with 9/11, which led to th4e war in Afghanistan. What is known is that there are far too many inconsistencies and factual errors associated with the official 'explanation' of 9/11. Similar inconsistencies and factual errors also abound in the 'official version' of the London bombings of 7 July.
It is one thing to defend an armed invasion of one country by another by invading the aggressor. It is something utterly different to invade a country that has not committed an act of military aggression - and today the United States has military forces and operations active in over two thirds of the nations on earth.
In short, it has become a thug nation.
Yet military superiority does not confer moral superiority. Those who live by the sword . . .
In the words of the Who 'We don't get fooled again'.
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