______________________________Archived Articles______________________________
Modern Ireland and the media
24 Jun 2014; posted by editor - General
The following article is a reprint of a 2008 interview of Roy Greenslade conducted by filmmaker and journalist Sinead O'Shea.
Tags: Child abuse Sinead O'Shea
Water metering & 'political policing'
13 Jun 2014; posted by editor - General
A Dublin councillor who attended a water metering protest says the actions of the gardai were like 'political policing'.
Remember this
12 Jun 2014; posted by editor - International, Editorial
To those who for their own benefit screw others into the ground . . .
Tags: remember
Tuam: The sad legacy of a byegone time
05 Jun 2014; posted by editor - General
The Guardian has reported that the bodies of 796 children, between the ages of two days and nine years old, have been found in a disused sewage tank in Tuam, County Galway. They died between 1925 and 1961 in a mother and baby home under the care of the Bon Secours nuns.
Tags: Tuan Bon Secours
A Mark of Developed Intelligence
01 Jun 2014; posted by editor - Editorial
No living thing should be denied the right to enjoy a free life—or to enjoy the things they like—if in so doing no-one is being harmed.
Tags: intelligence slavery