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Government Rejects UN Rapporteur's Recommendations on Corrib       printable version
01 May 2014 filed by editor - General, Environment

By Mayo Shell to Sea
In a submission to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Shell to Sea have criticised the Irish Government for rejecting recommendations made by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights regarding the policing of Corrib protest .

In a report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Margaret Sekaggya, called on the Irish Government to "Investigate all allegation and reports of intimidation, harassment and surveillance in the context of the Corrib Gas dispute in a prompt and impartial manner" .

Ms Sekaggya's recommendations were echoed earlier this year by Archbishop Desmond Tutu who supported the call for an independent inquiry into the policing of Corrib .

However earlier this month Minister for Justice Alan Shatter rejected the recommendation saying "I do not see a necessity for an independent inquiry into the policing operation in north County Mayo."

Other relevant recommendations made by Rapporteur Sekeggya, including allowing the Garda Ombudsman to do an "examination of the practices, policies and procedures of the police in the context of the Corrib Gas dispute" also have been ignored by the Irish Government.

Another recommendation that was highlighted in the Shell to Sea submission was Ms Sekaggya's recommendation calling on Ireland to: "Enact adequate overarching legislation to protect whistle-blowers in all sectors of activity, ensuring that it complies fully with the United Nations Convention against Corruption;" a recommendation which has proven to be very timely given the situation that emerged surrounding the allegations of corruption made by Garda Sgt. Maurice McCabe and Garda John Wilson and how these whistle-blowers were treated by their superiors up to and including Commissioner Callinan and Minister Shatter.

Terence Conway of Shell-to-Sea states "Bearing in mind the cosy relationship that Alan Shatter enjoyed with the former Garda Commissioner, his hostile reaction to the Garda whistle-blowers and now his rejection of the recommendation by the UN rapporteur for an independent investigation into the policing of the Corrib Gas dispute, it is clear he is quite happy for corruption and human rights abuses to go unchecked within the Gardaí."

The submission is being made to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as part of the follow-up programme to the Universal Periodic Review of human rights in Ireland.

The Shell to Sea Campaign has three main aims:

1) That any exploitation of the Corrib gas field be done in a safe way that will not expose the local community in Erris to unnecessary health, safety and environmental risks.
2) To renegotiate the terms of the Great Oil and Gas Giveaway, which sees Ireland’s 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent off the West Coast go directly to the oil companies, with the Irish State retaining a 0% share, no energy security of supply and only 25% tax on profits against which all costs can be deducted.
3) To seek justice for the human rights abuses suffered by Shell to Sea campaigners due to their opposition to Shell’s proposed inland refinery.

Shell to Sea submission to the follow-up programme on the Universal Periodic Review

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Margaret Sekaggya - Mission to Ireland

Inquiries into Garda Activities - Written Dail Questions

Archbishop Tutu calls for independent inquiry into policing of Corrib gas project - Lorna Siggins - Irish Times

Shell to Sea Universal Periodic Review submission

Universal Periodic Review - Ireland - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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